Eshell Aliases, Prompt, And Colors

The Emacs Cat

Do you use #Emacs to run shells or terminal emulators? Well, you should. With vterm you have a fast alternative to the builtin ansi-term. And if you prefer shells, you’ve got EShell and Shell Mode. And don’t forget serial-term for embedded programming. — Mickey Petersen (@mickeynp) on Twitter, July 18, 2022.

DMS To Decimal Degree Conversions And More

The Emacs Cat

Working with satellite data I often have to convert a coordinate value or an angle value from the DMS notation (degree@minute’second") to a decimal degree in the floating point number format and vice versa.

I Am Back

The Emacs Cat
I started this blog in 2017. After a long break, I decided to continue blogging about various things related to Emacs. And not just to Emacs. Also, I’ve switched from Jekyll to Hugo for a variety of reasons, mainly because of the Mainroad theme.